Bingewatching for Political Junkies

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If you are a bonafide political junkie then you probably crave for quality movies and series on politics. At least I do. So I curated a list of movies and series l like, and who knows you might ending up liking it as well. In light of the current situation in the Ukraine, I would like to wholeheartedly recommend the documentary Navalny, before moving on to more lighter series and movies.


If you see one series or movie on this list, go see The Politician! Payton Hobart, a student, has known since age seven that he’s going to be President of the United States. However, before he becomes President of the United States he needs to become president of his high school. The race to win over the hearts and minds of his classmates is both hilarious as well as painfully recognizable. Gwyneth Paltrow shines in the series as the mother of Payton Hobart. I also very much liked Chief of Staff, a South-Korean Netflix series on politics on the Asian peninsuala. Sometimes its a bit cringy, but I like the focus on political aides. In the end I was bored with House of Cards. The first season is undoubtedly the best. I would suggest the original British series instead.

Those Americans ….

The last couple of years brought us some excellent political series and movies on US politics. I watched Vice on an airplane to Nairobi and absolutely loved it. The movie zooms into the political life of vice-president Dick Cheney. When you finish the movie you will be surprised (I was shocked) to know that Christian Bale played Dick Cheney. I watched the Loudest Voice, a series on the rise and fall of Roger Ailes as he creates Fox News. It seems sleazeballs make for great documentaries so the next suggestion is Get me Roger Stone. This documentary explores the life and career of Republican political strategist and lobbyist Roger Stone, a longtime advisor to Donald Trump. If the Republicans of the aforementioned movies make it seems that all hope is lost, tune in to Mitt, a documentary about Mitt Romney. It’s very difficult to dislike the man after seeing this movie, and I was rooting that he still takes a swing one day for the the American presidency. 

Very European 

Don’t rule out the Europeans! There are some great intriguing series. Top of my list is Marseille. After seeing this I had to visit this city. The makers did a great job combining splendid footage of the city with the intrinsics of local politics. It also helps that heavyweight Gerard Depardieu has a leading role. Staying in France, “Macron’s Road to Election” gives an inside look into Macron’s campaign machinerie. And while it might seem ages ago, it might be nice to look at this knowing there are elections coming next year. In similar fashion; “Política, Manual de Instrucciones“ (Politics, a Handbook)” looks into the rise of Podemos. The whole movie can be actually found on the Vimeo of the director (if you speak Spanish). Staying in Spain (or not in case you are seperatist) Netflix has a documentary on the political situation Catalunya aptly called “Two Catolonias”. If you have the patience to watch bad quality footage for the love of great cinematography I can warmly recommend The Professional, a Serbian movie (English subtitles) about post-Milosevic Serbia based on a theater play. It’s a masterpiece. If you are Dutch you are obliged to go see the new series on Pim Fortuyn which has really met the quality standard of a Borgen.


You need to know your classics. While not strictly political see Citizen Kane.  Considered by many critics and filmmakers to be the greatest film ever made. If you have seen it already, go see it again. In both cases also see Mank, a biographical-making-off which can be used as a preto the aforementioned movie. I am myself planning to see the Manchurian candidate this summer and hopefully Mr. Smith Goes to Washington. Ofcourse before I get a lot of angry mails, this section would not be completed if I didn’t mention The West Wing, the mother of all political serieus.

Just for laugh’s and gag’s 

If you are looking for a good laugh I can recommend re-watching Eurobubble. Try not to fall in love with this series, maybe we can start a petition to make them produce more episodes. I also heard great things about Parliament, a French series about the European Parliament. And of course then there is the Big Lebowksi, if you haven’t seen it by now you have not lived. I have a theory that people that do not like this movie do not exist, they are merely people that haven’t seen it enough times. Did you know a serious scientific paper has actually been written on the politics inside the Big Lebowksi?